Thursday, January 28, 2010

Update on Jim 1/28/10 (& my dad)

I'm so sorry for not posting sooner. I'm getting feedback that my lack of updating caused concern as to whether there was a problem. Well, the problem is definitely not with Jim. He is doing wonderfully! If he wasn't sporting a bald head with some patchy dark hair in the back, you would think there is no way that this guy could have anything wrong with him. He is moving around so well now! He has almost no limp anymore. He has started doing his stretching exercises this week and remarked just this morning that none of them cause any pain! He can tell that he hasn't used his leg muscles correctly in quite awhile. Any discomfort he is feeling is good discomfort, due to working those muscles. Monday 2/1 will be chemo #3. We know that the remaining chemos will each beat him down to some degree, but we are optimistic that the Lord will hear all our prayers and let those side effects continue to be minimal. Thank you for your continued prayers in that regard!

So Jim is doing well, but my dad (Larry) is not. On Monday they did an angiogram and found multiple areas of blockage in his heart. They have determined that they need to do a triple bypass (possibly quadruple) tomorrow (1/29). My dad is very fragile. He has suffered at the hands of his diabetes which he has had for 40 years. His organs have taken a beating over the years with the intense high and lows that he has endured. (He is a "brittle" diabetic.) The doctors have said his kidneys are in the best shape they've been in for awhile...which is amazing considering he was heading towards renal failure a couple months ago. So it looks like all systems are "go" for the surgery. Many of you do not know my dad, but he is a gentle, loving man. So if you would be so kind as to raise a prayer on his behalf I would be most appreciative.

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